2/6/19 Hi!! We’re still not really doing anything, but guess what? ALL THREE OF OUR RECORDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR STREAMING NOW!!! We’re on Spotify, Amazon and every other major streaming service! Enjoy!
5/21/17 Hey! We're back!!!! BOATS! is doing a show June 10th at Bottom Of The Hill in San Francisco with Nerf Herder and FARTBARF!
11/5/15 After five months of nothing, we're FINALLY doing a show!!! November 24th in Sacramento at Harlow's with GUTTERMOUTH!
6/30/15 Check out this new song from our new tape!
6/23/15 We're getting super pumped for our 4th of July trip to Canada! AND just in time for SHAKE/ARAMA II, SHAKE! records is going to release a 17 song TAPE of all of our 7 inches, PLSU B-Sides from our Black & White LP AND 4 new unreleased tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're super excited!!!
4/10/15 We have shows coming up in May and July! Including July 4th in Vancouver BC! check the TOUR page for more info!
3/26/15 We're working on some upcoming shows!
2/2/15 JUST ANNOUNCED! we're playing with GUTTERMOUTH Monday February 23rd at Harlows in Sacramento!!
1/25/15 Shows this weekend! We MIGHT possibly have some copies of the Totally Jawsome LP! Get pumped!
1/11/15 Hey! We're doing some shows!! January 30th we are in PORTLAND at THE TWILIGHT with our friends SHARKS FROM MARS and January 31st we're in SEATTLE at EL CORAZON with DIE NASTY and WOLFHAMMER3! These shows WILL be crazy! We'll also be trying out a bunch of NEW SONGS!!!!!!! Check the TOUR page for more details!
1/2/15 2015 is the year of BOATS!
12/10/14 Big show this SUNDAY in OAKLAND at 1-2-3-4 GO! with SWIMMERS and MFB! check the TOUR page for more info! ALSO, check out episode 17 of the MOTERN MEDIA INFOMERCIAL PODCAST featuring an interview with MATT LEONARDO!
12/1/14 We have some shows coming up starting this Friday at Gilman in Berkeley! Plus we're working on a bunch of new songs that we will likely try out at these shows!! go to the TOUR page for more info!
11/1/14 If you haven't already heard, we're on the soundtrack for the new Xbox one game "Sunset Overdrive"! We recorded four new originals just for this game and it came out AWESOME! Here's a little article about the making of the soundtrack.
10/16/14 Check out this commercial we're featured in for the new video game Sunset Overdrive:
10/7/14 It's happening again! We're doing another show!!! This MONDAY 10/13 we're playing with MEAN JEANS in Sacramento! check the TOUR page for the deets!
10/1/14 We're doing a show! THIS SUNDAY Oct. 5th! With THE IMAGES! Check the TOUR page for more details.
6/22/14 We had a great time playing with Screeching Weasel last night! Big thanks to the Phenomenauts for lending us some of their gear. No shows coming up, but we're working on some stuff and hope to make some announcements soon!
6/16/14 THIS SATURDAY!!!! We're playing in Sparks (Reno) with Screeching Weasel and The Phenomenauts! There are only a few tickets left so buy them asap before they sell out! GETS TICKETS HERE
6/4/14 We're going in to the studio this weekend to work on some cool new stuff. It's going to be craycray!
5/24/14 JUST ANNOUNCED! We're playing June 21st in Reno with SCREECHING WEASEL! Get tickets HERE
5/21/14 We're playing TONIGHT in Sacramento with THE BRIEFS and NIGHT BIRDS!

4/23/14 Just added a show May 23rd in Reno!
3/17/14 JUST ANNOUNCED!! We are playing May 21st at The Blue Lamp in Sacramento WITH THE BRIEFS!
3/16/14 We had an awesome time this weekend in Portland, Vancouver and Seattle! Huge thanks to every one that helped us out, it was really fun. We don't have any shows coming up in the near future, because we are working on writing our new record and some other REALLY awesome stuff....
3/8/14 Hey! We probably should have posted about this sooner, but we are totally on Capitol Public radio's "Blue Dog Jam" show tonight!!! you can listen in Sacramento on 90.9 fm and online here! We pre-recorded an interview and in studio performance with Nick Brunner like two weeks ago, it's pretty good!
2/11/14 Another cool review in Tube Magazine of our show a couple weeks ago!
2/8/14 Really cool review of our show last week in the SN&R!
1/30/14 Hey! check out this article about us in the Sacramento New and Review! Also, come to our show tomorrow at Bows and Arrows in Sacramento!
1/26/14 This Friday! We're playing the LAST SHOW EVER at Bows and Arrows in Sacramento! We're sad to see it go, but we're equally as excited to play this awesome show!!! We're also postponing our shows in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver... but it's cool. ALSO look for a blurb about us in this weeks Sacramento News & Review!
12/31/13 Hey! We're not doing those shows in LA and San Diego any more, this weekend! Some thing came up so we had to cancel. We will however, be playing January 31st in Sacramento at Bows & Arrows with The Four Eyes!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
12/8/13 We had a blast at El Rio on Friday! Thanks to every one that came out and made it special! We're done for the year though! our next show is January 2nd at Eli's Mile High in Oakland!
12/1/13 What a great weekend!! Friday we had a blast hanging out with The Phenomanuts and Saturday we had a really REALLY good time hanging out with Emily's Army and Bobby Joe Ebola! Catch us next weekend in San Francisco at El Rio!
11/25/13 If you're in Sacramento, make sure you pick up the latest issue of Submerge Magazine.... because we're on the cover! Huge thanks to them for putting us on the cover and to Phil M. for taking this cute picture!

11/18/13 We had a really good time hanging out with Phill M today at our photo shoot for Submerge Magazine! Look for it... soon!
11/11/13 Just added a shit-load of new shows!!!
11/7/13 We're getting super pumped about our shows at the end of this month! Check out the TOUR page for the details and a bunch of other shows!
10/20/13 So we are not playing that zombie 5k on the 26th any more. It's okay though, because we're plying with The Phenomenauts Nov. 29th in Sacramento! Yay!
10/3/13 Just added even MORE shows!!! (I also took some down though...)
9/20/13 Just added some new shows! Go check them out! TOUR
9/12/13 We had a really good time in the North West last weekend!! Big thanks to all the bands and Laughing Horse Books for putting on a last minute show for us in Portland! We're trying to get all the preordered copies of our record out by the end of this week, sorry for the long wait!!Also, Our next show isn't till October!! Get pumped!!
9/5/13 Last night's show in Sacramento was so great!! We had a really good time! This weekend we're playing in Portland and Seattle! We still have a few copies of our new record, so get them while we still have them!!!!
9/2/13 Our show in Oakland on Friday was crazy!! We had a really good time. It was so fun, David even forgot his bass! He got it back though, and we're playing in SACRAMENTO on Wednesday! We never play in Sacramento! Then Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we're playing in Portland and Seattle! Awesome. ALSO, we got the records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come buy one? cool.
8/30/13 TONIGHT! We're playing in Oakland!! At Eli's Mile High Club! It's going to be so fun, you wouldn't believe it!!!! We're also for sure going to have our new records!! PLUS we will have copies of ALL our record on CASSETTE! If you pre ordered Black & White, we will be sending those out next week as well! Yay!
8/14/13 Well.... It looks like we won't be playing those shows in Reno and Boise after all! Our drummer Adam, is going to be on tour with his other band xTOMHANXx! So We are probably just going to re schedule. Sorry! Our next show will be in Oakland though!!
8/7/13 Okay, we have not updated in a little while, but a lot has been going on... sort of. David has been really sick with some sort of condition that makes him poop NON-STOP and also makes him post sad posts about his life on facebook. He's feeling better now though! We had a fill in at our show in San Francisco with the Dickies and we canceled our LA and San Diego shows, but we should be back in full swing August 23rd and 24th in Reno and Boise!! And we have records!!!!
7/21/13 This Saturday we are playing with The Dickies and Sharp Objects in San Francisco! We're really pumped about it! We will also have our new record for sale with the official covers on them!
7/3/13 What a boring summer so far!! Coming up though, we're playing some shows, first of which is in San Francisco July 27th with The Dickies AND Sharp Objects!! We will also finally have copies of our new record! yay! Then we'll be up in the north west for a few shows and then... Idaho! for the first time ever!!! Check back for more details, but its going to be really fun.
6/23/13 We're featured on a free comp! All the bands are pretty good, so check it out! http://daggersightrecords.bandcamp.com/album/volume-three
6/12/13 Just posted some upcoming shows in August! We MIGHT be pushing back the shows in the north west though, stay tuned!! Also, check out this sweet interview with us.
5/29/13 We're back! We didn't pay the hosting fee for our website and it totally got shut down! But we just payed it so we're back now. Also, we have some shows coming up!
4/29/13 Hi! We're paying this FRIDAY (5/3) in SACRAMENTO at The Colony! We're really excited to play with DOG PARTY! Also, the best all VEGAN Chinese place in the city right next door!! See you there!
4/17/13 We're playing tonight at Naked Coffee in Sacramento (11th & H) with a cool band from New York! come out!!
ALSO JUST ANNOUNCED! We're playing July 27th with THE DICKIES! in San Francisco at Thee Parkside! Check out our TOUR page for more info!
4/3/13 Hey, we're home!! Our East Coast tour was probably the best tour we have EVER done in the history of BOATS! Huge thanks to every one that hung out with us and bought our new record (we sold out of the limited edition copies before the tour was even over!). For people who did pre order of "Black and White" or paid for a copy after we sold out, we'll be mailing those out in a few weeks when Modern Action has the official release. We don't have anything coming up in the near future, but we have some pretty cool things in the works, so check back for some info in the coming weeks!
3/24/13 We're on tour! Today is day three of our east coast tour, and it's going really good! Montreal was insane! Then Last night in Toronto we played 2 shows and they also ruled! Tonight, we play Toronto again! Check out our TOUR page for more info on the rest of the tour!
3/18/13 Okay! Our record is finally out!! .... sort of! There was a slow down at the record pressing plant and we didn't get our copies of the record in time for our show last Saturday, but we will totally have them in time for our show this Friday in Montreal!!! and for the rest of the tour! We're really looking forward to hitting the East coast!
3/12/13 Just posted a new song called "Smoking is Cool" from the new record! comes out Saturday! Come to our release show in Sonoma!
3/4/13 Okay! Things are really starting to get in to gear! We play this Saturday in Oakland at Eli's with The Re-Volts and The Home Alones (a Home Alone tribute band!)! See our TOUR page for more info.
2/25/13 Our new record art work is here!
2/15/13 Our new record is going to be called "Black And White", just FYI! Looks like we will have a special limited tour addition too, with silk screened covers! More info on the Modern Action website at modernactionrecords.com
2/12/13 Heyyyyy! we had a really great time in Portland And Seattle this weekend! Two of the best shows we've had up there in a long time. Our next show isn't for another month, but we'll still be super busy prepping for the new record! So look out for some REALLY cool stuff in the next couple weeks!
2/2/13 Big show in Sacramento tonight!!!! Also, Just added THREE shows in Toronto for our upcoming East Coast tour! Including an OFFICIAL Canadian Music Week showcase! Take that sxsw! Any way, see you tonight!
1/24/13 Guess what, you guys! One of our new songs "Smoking Is Cool" is going to be featured on the Mike and Tom Eat Snacks podcast! aka MATES! You can find it HERE, but they don't release it till Monday, so you have to wait... If you don't know about MATES, it's a podcast featuring Michael Ian Black... and they eat snacks.
1/22/13 We're headed to LA and San Diego this weekend! We're really excited! Check out the Tour page for more details. We're also going to be shooting a music video for a song off of our new record while we're in LA, so if you come to the show Saturday, try to look like you're hella pumped up to be there!
1/7/13 First show of 2013 tomorrow!!! its at Axewave in Oak park (you know the place). It's going to be reeeeal nice. See you there!
12/31/12 Happy New year! 2012 was a wiled and crazy year for us! We did some cool stuff and hung out with some cool people, Charles and Patrick quit the band and we got our best drummer yet (Adam)! One thing we didn't do this year, was do that many tours... That's where 2013 will be different! We're starting off the year with a west coast tour in January and February and then an east coast tour in March!! We're hitting all the dopest cities, so be sure to check the Tour page for all the details! And not only that, but our new record will be out in March as well! So, don't forget to start the year off right at our show on January 8th in Sacramento with Youth Bitch!See you there!
12/13/12 Great news! We're finally releasing our "new" album! AND this week marks the one year anniversary of when we started recording it! Better late then never... right? Any way, it's going to be on Modern Action Records and the release date is set for March, just in time for our East coast tour!! More info coming soon!
12/9/12 We decided to take our music off of iTunes! You can now buy AND stream all of our releases at Band Camp! Here's a link!
11/22/12 Happy Thanks giving! Just posted some new shows on the "Tour" page, including our last show of 2012 AND the first confirmed dates of our 2013 east coast tour! Real talk, see you there!!!!!!!!
11/17/12 Vote for us to play MacWorld! Click here to vote...
11/5/12 Well, not much going on for us right now... We have some shows booked for February and we're doing an east coast tour in March, but until then, we have no plans... We started talking to Modern Action Records about putting out "Smoking Is Cool", so that might happen! Check back for more updates!
10/26/12 Well, we had a really good time last weekend in LA and San Diego! Thanks to Shark Blood and Images for lending us their gear... This weekend we only have one show, and it's at a 5K zombie run!!! Here's a link to their site: www.sacramentozombierun.com it starts early, so get there early... or zombies will eat your brain!
10/13/12 The Gilman show on Friday the 19th, is back on! get ready for some real shit!
10/6/12 Hi! not alot has been going on around here the last couple weeks... But we're back the week after next week! Starting on the 18th in Sacramento at Luigi's fun garden in Sacramento and then the 20th and 21st in San Diego and LA! on a sad not: we are not playing Friday the 19th at 924 Gilman, due to a scheduling conflict.
9/9/12 Last night was CRAZY!!! We played TWO sets, and Billie Joe Armstrong posted a picture of us on instagram! Big thanks to Emily's Army for getting us on the show, and to Mark Becker for buying us dinner! Check out our TUNES page for some video!
Tonight, we start a string of shows with The Vibrators, in San Jose at Blank Club with Factory Minds! Check out our TOUR page for a full list of shows.
9/5/12 This weekend! Saturday: We are playing a show in Oakland at 1234 go with Emily's Army and BJE & The Children Mac Nuggets! Then, Sunday: BOATS! / Vibrators tour starts in San Jose! AND we will have new t-shirts AND limited edition copies of our NEW record "Smoking Is Cool"!!!! See you there!
9/1/12 Last night's show with Chixdiggit, in San Francisco was totally crazy! If you're in Sacramento tonight, you should probably come to see them and us AND The Secretions at the Boardwalk, because if you don't.... you'll wish you did!
8/30/12 Okay! This is really happening! This weekend, we're playing two shows with Chixdiggit, in San Francisco and Sacramento! Then on September 8th we're playing in Oakland with Emily's Army! PLUS we're doing a bunch of shows with The Vibrators! Check out our TOUR page for more info! Also, look for a new t-shirt design at these shows!
7/18/12 More shows added! Including another show with Chixdiggit, in San Francisco!
7/14/12 New show added September 1st with Chixdiggit! in Sacramento!! details on the "TOUR" page! (Other good bands are playing too!)
7/8/12 Last nights show with Angry Samoans was really great!! thanks to every one who came out and made it special! Now we're taking a little break while Adam is going on tour with his other band... Then we'll be back in September with The Vibrators! PLUS if all gos as planned, our new record will be out!
7/4/12 Happy 4th of July! This Saturday (7/7) we're playing in Sacramento at Java Lounge, with Angry Samoans! It's going to be really fun, so don't miss out!
6/21/12 Sooooo in our last update, we talked about putting out a new 7" and we were really excited about it.... Sadly, that is no longer going to happen..... Instead... We're doing a full length!!! That's right, the wait is almost over. The new record will be called "Smoking Is Cool" and should be out near the middle of August (if not sooner)! Stay tuned for more details and cover art!
6/13/12 So our new record that we finished recording back in January, is sadly still on hold (for a good reason)... BUT we decided to release two of the new songs on a brand new 7"!! The two songs will be "Smoking Is Cool" and "Lost Your Number". The really good news is, that the recording is all already done, so all we have to do is get the artwork together and we're done! Should be out by early August! Check back soon for more info!
6/7/12 This just in! We're playing this Sunday (June 10th) at The Blue Lamp in Sacramento, with Swingin' Utters, Sharp Objects and Union Hearts! It will also be our first show, with our new drummer Adam! Fun! See you there!
5/30/12 Hey! We're still alive! We haven't really been doing any thing, so we haven't had a need to up date the site. Our drummer Pat quit the band/died, he's still alive in our hearts though and he will be missed. If you want to play drums in BOATS! contact us!
In other news, we have some shows coming up! Including a west coast tour with The Vibrators in September! check out the TOUR page for a full list of shows!
ALSO! If you're feeling crazy, VOTE for us to play at the Vans Warped Tour this year! Click here to vote!
4/20/12 OMG! Last nights show with BUZZCOCKS and IMAGES was amazing!!!! Best show we have ever played, PLUS best show ever in Sacramento. So so so so so good.
4/15/12 Wow! What a great weekend! We had a blast playing in SoCal, thanks to all the people that made it happen! WOW fest was especially cool, if you get a chance next year, you should totally go.
THIS THURSDAY we are playing with BUZZCOCKS! and IMAGES! at ace of spades in Sacramento! We're totally pumped and it's most likely going to be the best show of the year! Don't miss this show!
4/9/12 This weekend! We're playing in Southern CA! Check out the TOUR page for all the info! We're also playing WOW fest in Tucson AZ on Sunday, Pretty busy weekend! We can't wait!
4/7/12 We had fun list night playing in Sacramento! Even though Sacramento isn't that great, it's always fun to not have to drive that far to get to a show. Tonight we play San Francisco! see you there!
4/3/12 Last weekend was totally real! Thanks to everyone who came out! This weekend we're playing some shows with Blue skies for Black Hearts, from Portland. Friday in Sacramento at Java Lounge and Saturday at Hemlock in San Francisco. See you there!
3/25/12 Okay! we're back in business! This weekend (3/30 & 3/31) we're going to be playing in Portland and Seattle, home of Nirvana and D. B. Cooper! We're playing with some really awesome bands, so if you live up there, this would be a good time to come see us!
If you're wondering what's up with our new record... So are we! There really isn't any thing to report... Or is there? Only time will tell!! See you this weekend!
3/12/12 Our show last weekend with Sara Radle, in Santa Cruz was really fun! Our next show is March 30th in Portland! It's going to be so real!
3/2/12 We're back!! Things are about to get crazy!! Next weekend (3/9) we're playing in Santa Cruz, with Sara Radle! Looks like the new record is shaping up nice! We got the final mixes of the songs last week and this weekend, we're finishing up the artwork! Then, its off to the factory, and then on to your turntable! See you in Santa Cruz!
1/27/12 What an amazing week! We played three awesome shows in the last two days! HUGE thanks to The Avengers for having us play with them!! We're not really playing any shows in February, because we're going to be getting our new record ready to drop... But we'll totally be back in march, to play some shows! Also, April 19th! we're playing with BUZZCOCKS! and IMAGES! in SACRAMENTO!
1/20/12 We are playing this Wednesday, in the afternoon at Sacramento state university! Here's the details. The same day in the evening, we're also playing in San Jose, with the Avengers! and then on Thursday in San Francisco! Also with the Avengers! AND we're probably doing another really awesome show in April, in Sacramento with a really good band that you might have heard of! More details on that to come! See you Wednesday!
1/17/12 We had a really great weekend! Thanks to every one who came out to see us in Reno and LA, it was the best two shows we've played all year! If you're feeling board this week, check out our MUZIE site! It's all in Japanese, but it's fun to look at.
1/8/12 Got the rough mix of our new record on Friday! It sounds aaaa-mazing. Hoping to have it out by April or May! Then next up: TOUR IN JAPAN! (It's in the works)! So far, 2012 is looking like a pretty good year!
1/1/12 Happy new year!!!! This year is about to be crrrraaazy!
We just finished all the backing vocals on the new record and now all we have to do it mix and master it... So far it sounds amazing!!! should be out some time this spring, check here for updates! Also, check out our Sound Cloud page for sneak peeks!
12/15/11 Well, alot of stuff has been happening in the world of BOATS! Last week we started recording our new record, with our great friend Ted Angel! So far its sounding really great, and the record should be out by mid spring! We're really pumped for it!
We also have some really good shows coming up in January, with the likes of: Youth Brigade, The Adolescents, The Avengers and LA DRUGZ! so be sure to check out the TOUR page to get the deets on those.
12/4/11 Totally played a rad show on Friday with The Street Eaters! It was at 924 Gilman street in Berkeley... and it was greaT! We are also about to go in to the STUDIO! New record is going to be fuckin cray cray!
11/4/11 Well, we haven't really been up to much lately! BUT due to some production issues, we have released our new 7" "One Of Us" on iTunes! Check out the TUNES page for a link! Buy it now! NOW! NOW!
10/3/11 Well, we had a really good time this weekend, hanging with friends and playing in the pacific north west! Probably the best trip we've taken in a while! We're still waiting on the new EP to drop, just waiting for the label to ship us our copies!
We would also like to thank out fans in Sacramento for voting for us to win the sammie this year, it means alot! We weren't able to make the awards show, however... so we made this video while we were on the road! Enjoy!
9/25/11 This weekend y'all! We are headed to our favorite places! Portland, OR and Vancouver B.C.!
9/18/11 We're sold out of the second pressing of our first 7"! You can still, however, buy it on iTunes! So make sure you go ahead and do that! In other news, Jeff Melendez, Our drummer of 4 years, has parted ways with us, and we wish him the best! Look for him in TEEF playing guitar! Our new drummer is Patrick Shelley! You may know him from another Sacramento band called Final Summation.
8/25/11 We totally got nominated for a Sammie! (its like a Grammy, only on a lower level)! You can vote for us in the "punk" category, at www.sammies.com . While you're at it, vote for our friends Nacho Business in the best new band category and for Charles Albright for best post-punk group!
8/22/11 We got a new secret/totally awesome lead guitar player. We'll just call him "C Albright" for now.
7/17/11 Not much new going on! We've got our new record 75% written, and this WILL be the best yet. Probably going to record in August and hopefully get every thing done for an October release. Shows this Friday and Saturday with Angry Samoans at Gilman and The Boardwalk! See you there!
6/13/11 Our new 7" on ROTTENTONE records, called "ONE OF US" is at the factory being pressed RIGHT NOW!! Should be pretty good! Limited to 500 copies, so get them while you can!
5/16/11 We're headed to Las Vegas the weekend of the 27th 28th and 29th to play at the 13th annual Punk Rock Bowling Festival and playing some shows along the way in LA and San Diego, too! Check out our Tour page for more details! and buy our music on itunes! (So that we can afford the trip)
5/14/11 New website is here.